If you watched
my video last week, you may have been concerned that it did not show me doing any work, but the reality is that I work hard every single day. When you are the busiest and most important member of a huge castle, work is unavoidable. Sure, I can delegate some of the tasks requiring a lesser mind to the servants, but let's face it. They are simply just not smart enough or competent enough to handle the most important work. So much of my day is spent carrying out tasks that have proven to be much too complex for the simple-minded servants. For example, here is a photo of me taking care of my inbox:

And here I am working very hard at the computer:

My job is very hard.
TC - I have a King of the Castle that has both an ego and a girth to match yours. I believe the peasants are planning a similar uprising and that the kibbles will see a downsizing.