Slim Pet Challenge ended yesterday. After six months of food restriction, I lost a grand total of three ounces. I weighed 14.5 pounds
back on December 15. Six weeks ago,
I managed to get down to 14.2 pounds, and, my minions, that is the weight I have remained at. In other words, I have maintained my new lower weight for six weeks, which is quite an accomplishment. While I still fall into the "bigger is beautiful" category of feline, I think I have arrived at my happy weight. I will be keeping up with my food restriction on a permanent basis so I can stay at this weight, but it will be nice to spend less time worrying about my weight and get back to all the more important things I have to do. Like:

But do not panic, minions. I will still share my adventures with you and update you on any future weight loss. And of course, when I make
my TV debut, you will all hear about it.
Who are you kidding tubbo, you're fat!
ReplyDeleteMinion Brian, I am demoting you from minion status. You are now a peon.