Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm a star.

Well, minions, the world has finally figured out the smart thing to do with a feline as fantastic as me. Put me on television, of course. Just look at how unbelievably photogenic I am:

A crew from Animal Planet was here to film me last week so soon you'll see my beautiful face all over your television, thus helping me achieve my goal of total media domination.

Next stop: Total world domination.


  1. When will your show air? I know it will be a ratings sweep!

  2. Well it's about time they recognized you for the diva that you are!

  3. you are a rock star, and now the whole world will know it.

    i only hope you'll still have time for your devoted fans who knew you before...

  4. Thank you, minions. I will let you know when the program airs, and don't worry, I will always have time for my adoring public.
